Dagmar Kramer

  • Business
  • Tech
  • Product

What motivates you

"The problem we're trying to solve, the over-use of smartphones in children and the health issues it causes, is what really motivates me. I studied software engineering, and after a lot of market research with parents, kids and experts, we (my co-founder and I) came up with a great solution. I am involved in both the product development and the market research side. My co-founder, she is focused on securing funding and sales. We are looking for another technical co-founder."

The ideal partner

"Someone who: - Cares about the problem we’re trying to solve - has strong technical skills, ideally in mobile development - Isn’t afraid to take responsibility"

The dream business

"Together with another amazing founder, I am creating an app for children to form healthy smartphone habits in a fun and positive way. Together with social partners, we want to create a new, digitally resilient generation."


