John Lassen
- Product
- Business
- Design
What motivates you
"Finding interesting problems to solve. Once discovered, I'm dedicated to seeing it through, evaluating it from every angle. I have great experience in testing, learning and pivoting. If I am the most critical of my own designs, re-evalauting where the opportunity lies, and seeing continual improvement, I know I am heading in the right direction."
The ideal partner
"Someone who I can rift with, challenge and discover new things. They are open to stress testing ideas and are not trying to protect them. I have a background in science and take this approach. As long as their heart is in the right place, I will always hear what they have to say."
The dream business
"Something that evolves on the current way we consider tech solutions. Bringing a new perspective to how people consider technology and how they should enhance people's lives. It's easy to improve on current state of tech, you just need to take one step further than the current solutions."
20000 €